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press service中文是什么意思

用"press service"造句"press service"怎么读"press service" in a sentence


  • 新闻稿
  • 新闻公报


  • Free pressing service 3 pieces daily
  • Press service press service
  • Minoes claims she used to be a cat and supplies tibbe with exclusive news provided by the " cat press service "
  • Joe : may i say , speaking for my own press service , we believe that your highness ' faith will not be unjustified
  • Bath towel , adaptor , mineral water , shopping bag , toothbrush , a baby - sitter , pressing service after 11pm
  • Joe : may i say , speaking for my own press service , we believe that your highness ' faith will not be unjustified
  • Joe bradley : may i say , speaking for my own . . . press service : we believe your highness ' s faith will not be unjustified
  • Additional club floor benefits include complimentary breakfast , evening cocktails , mini bar soft drinks , local telephone call and clothes pressing service
  • Amy woo , " china - health : aids makes deadly inroads in the hinterlands , " inter press service ( new delhi ) , 24 april 1997 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 24 april 1997 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
    4月7日在世界卫生日的纪念会上,卫生部长陈敏章说“艾滋病现在正在中国流行” 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"press service"造句  


Press service is typically a department within an organization of some kind whose function is to communicate with mass media on topics related to that organization by issuing press releases and using other various means such as public speeches at news conferences, answering questions by telephone or on the Internet.
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